Namibia Government Gazette dated 2016-04-08 number 5989


N$6.00 WINDHOEK - 8 April 2016 No. 5989


PROCEDURE FOR ADVERTISING IN 7. No liability is accepted for any delay in the publi-
THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE OF THE cation of advertisements/notices, or for the publication of
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1. The Government Gazette (Estates) containing adver- revision, omission, typographical errors or errors resulting
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2. Advertisements for publication in the Government tuted against the Government of Namibia as a result of the
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6. Advertisements must as far as possible be typewrit-
ten. The manuscript of advertisements must be written on Transfer of business ........................................ 37,00
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Deeds: Lost documents ................................... 69,00
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Business Notices ............................................. 53,00
be reprinted on payment of the cost of another insertion.
Administration of Estates Act Notices, Forms
J187, 193, 197, 297, 517 and 519.................... 27,00